Choose your hard

Choosing Your Hard: The Journey to Fulfilling Your Calling Without Regrets

January 22, 20242 min read

When does following your calling stop being a burdensome chore? This is a question many of us grapple with as we navigate the complexities of our ambitions and dreams. The idea of a 'chore' often comes with negative connotations, yet the pursuit of a meaningful life goal encompasses so much more.

The path to finishing life with few regrets is multifaceted. It's about aligning ability, goals, drive, consistency, health, mindset, and certainty - a formidable list, indeed. The challenge can seem overwhelming, and it's easy to wonder if it's all worth it.

Yet, when you find that 'thing' - your unique calling - things slowly start to fall into place. Not perfectly or all at once, but with clarity and possibility, provided you're willing to invest the effort.

Key Insights:

  1. The Power of 'Why': It might sound cliché, but having a compelling 'why' is fundamental. It's the driving force that keeps you moving forward, even when the path is tough.

  2. The Role of Community: Surrounding yourself with supporters, mentors, and like-minded peers is crucial. It's possible to go it alone, but the journey is less daunting with a strong support network.

  3. Overcoming Obstacles: Doubt, fear, low self-esteem, guilt, anxiety - these are just some of the challenges you might face. Acknowledging them is the first step towards overcoming them.

  4. Personal Responsibility: Ultimately, the journey is about personal choice. Do you choose the hard work necessary to achieve your dreams, or do you settle for a life of regret? This choice extends beyond financial success to all areas of life, be it a thriving marriage, physical health, or personal fulfillment.


The journey is hard, but it's a choice. I commit to continually defining what I want and taking the steps to achieve it. What about you? What hard will you choose?

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Kevin Ziebell

Kevin Ziebell is the owner of Warriors Unleashed dedicated to helping male veterans break free from the stigma of being a "Broken Vet". 27 years in the military and decades of experience in corporate America as an executive and business owner have led to a place where his Soul Purpose is to lead men through life's barriers and find meaning and joy in all domains of their life again.

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